Box LF104/7 Box 1
Contains 94 Results:
Caricatures, 1803 - 1804
A series of caricatures by various artists. Originally pasted into a bound volume but removed during conservation work.
German Nonchalence; -or-, the Vexation of little Boney, 1 January 1803
The first Kiss this Ten Years! -or- the meeting of Britannia & Citizen Francois, 1 January 1803
John Bull & his Piece!, [1803 - 1804]
Artist: Charles Williams. Published: S. W. Fores. John Bull, a fat 'cit', chucks under the chin a fat trollope, his arm round her shoulder. She looks mixed race, grinning broadly; her dress is ragged and fantastically patched. John's hat, gloves, and cane are on a table. Above the design: "Come! Come! no Grinning!! a bad Piece, is better than no Piece at all." Description from the British Museum.
A Phantasmagoria, 5 January 1803
Bat-Catching, 19 January 1803
Bat-Catching, 19 January 1803
Bat-Catching, [1803 - 1804]
A Wary Politician / A Discarded Politician, 16 July 1803
Published: Laurie and Whittle. Print by Unknown and Laurie & Whittle. Coloured line engraving.
The Rival Gardeners, 10 February 1803
Evacuation of Malta, 9 February 1803
Physical Aid, -or- Britannia recover'd from a Trance, 14 March 1803
[Impiger iracundus inexorabilis acer], 22 March 1803
An Address of Thanks from the Raculty to the Right Hon'ble Mr. Influenzy for his Kind Visit to the Country, 20 April 1803
After: Temple West. Published by: S. W. Fores. Satire on doctors who have profited from the influenza epidemic of 1803: a figure representing influenza at a table covered in medicine bottles, accepts an address of thanks from doctors, including a celebrated Scottish accoucheur and one who received a present from Mr. Newbery for recommending his James' powders in the newspapers; behind doctors argue about, and credit themselves with, the best remedies. Description from the British Museum.