Box LF104/3 Box 1
Contains 74 Results:
Copenhagen House, 16 November 1795
Item — Box: LF104/3 Box 1
Reference code: LF104/3/57
Scope and Contents
Artist: James Gillray. Published: Hannah Humphrey. A large and plebeian crowd is being addressed from three roughly made platforms, one being in the middle distance, another in the background. In the foreground (right) a man, supposed to be Thelwall, leans from his rostrum in profile to the left, shouting, with clenched fists, and raised right arm. Behind him stands a ragged barber, a comb in his lank hair, holding out a paper: 'Resolutions of the London Corresponding Society'. Next him, a...
16 November 1795
The Westminster Mountebank or Palace Yard Pranks, 20 November 1795
Item — Box: LF104/3 Box 1
Reference code: LF104/3/58
Scope and Contents
Artists: Isaac Cruikshank. Published: S. W. Fores. Fox, as a quack doctor, addresses a mob from the front of a platform which rests upon five beer-barrels inscribed 'Whitbreads entire'. Four other mountebanks are performing. Fox wears the full wig and old-fashioned laced coat and waistcoat of a doctor; he points to a young man (Bedford) behind him (left) who stands on his head, coins pouring from his pocket into a box. A Pierrot (Grey) stands behind the platform holding a trumpet and saying:...
20 November 1795
A Concise Explanation of the Convention Bills!!, 23 December 1795
Item — Box: LF104/3 Box 1
Reference code: LF104/3/59
Scope and Contents
Published: S. W. Fores. A lean Frenchman, probably an emigre, and a fat Englishman face each other in profile. The Frenchman (left), who has a long thin queue, ruffled shirt, and wears a spencer over his coat, leans on a tasselled cane, and says with raised forefinger, 'Pray Monsieur what be de meaning of theese Convention Bills?' The shorter Englishman, who is very obese and wears clerical bands, his stick under his arm, his hand thrust in the pocket of his old-fashioned waistcoat, looks up...
23 December 1795
A Lock'd Jaw for John Bull, 23 November 1795
Item — Box: LF104/3 Box 1
Reference code: LF104/3/60
Scope and Contents
Published: S. W. Fores. Pitt (left) stands in profile to the right, holding with both hands the staple of a huge padlock with which he has transfixed the lips of John Bull, so as to close his mouth. He bends forward, very thin, the large key of the padlock dangling from a ribbon slung across his shoulder; he says: "Dont be alarmed Johnny, it will not hurt you - you will scarcely perceive it, When you are a little used to it - it will only keep your tongue from running quite so fast, in...
23 November 1795
A Sociable Meeting or Old Friends with New Faces!!!, November 1795
Item — Box: LF104/3 Box 1
Reference code: LF104/3/61
Scope and Contents
Artist: Richard Newton. Published: William Holland. Sheridan (left) and Fox (right) face each other in profile across a narrow table on which they lean with folded arms. They are large half length figures. Their lips are closed by padlocks, their faces register anger and alarm. Above their heads: 'Mum, - is the order of the Day!!'. Description from the British Museum.
November 1795
Deputy Pendulum's Motion for an Address, 29 November 1795
Item — Box: LF104/3 Box 1
Reference code: LF104/3/62
Scope and Contents
Artist: Isaac Cruikshank. Published: S. W. Fores. An ugly man in old-fashioned dress stands full-face, toes turned in, squinting, and looking downwards. An 'Address' is in his right hand, his left hand is in his breeches pocket; a document inscribed 'obervation' [sic] protrudes from his coat-pocket. His scanty audience is behind him, on each side of a fireplace, for the most part asleep. A broken candle on the chimney-piece drops wax into the mouth of a sleeping man (right), to the amusement...
29 November 1795
A Magisterial Visit, [1794 - 1796]
Item — Box: LF104/3 Box 1
Reference code: LF104/3/63
Scope and Contents
Artist: Isaac Cruikshank. Published: S. W. Fores. Three citizens seated at a small round table to drink punch, smoke, and discuss the news, are interrupted by a fat Justice (right) who stands in profile to the left, drinking from their punch-bowl. He says: "By Virtue of my Authority. I am come to taste whether there is any Sedition in the punch Bowl!!!" From his pocket protrude two papers: 'Convention Bill' and 'Riot Act'. Under his feet is the 'Bill of Rights'. The three men, grouped close...
[1794 - 1796]
A Spy!!! Or the Blessings of a Convention Bill, 18 November 1795
Item — Box: LF104/3 Box 1
Reference code: LF104/3/64
Scope and Contents
Artist: Isaac Cruikshank. Published: S. W. Fores. An elderly Justice of Peace (left), in profile to the left, approaches the side of a rustic latrine, a lean-to without a door; within, concealed from the man, an old woman in profile to the left is superintending a little girl who sits on the seat; in her hand is a torn paper: 'The Last Speech or Dying words of Liberty'. On the side of the shed has been chalked a childish caricature of Pitt with (or hanging from) a gallows. The magistrate,...
18 November 1795
A New Way of Posting a Libel, 23 November 1795
Item — Box: LF104/3 Box 1
Reference code: LF104/3/65
Scope and Contents
Published: S. W. Fores. An obese bill-sticker stands in profile to the right posting up with a long-handled implement a bill: 'Five Hundred Pounds Reward Wheras------ -------' Under his arm is a rolled bill. He wears a cocked hat and bag-wig, with a large apron. On the receptacle for paste slung from his shoulder is a coat of arms with the motto 'Templa quam dilecta' and a marquis's coronet. He says: "There it is in capitals, - the Libel at full length, and five hundred pounds reward - he...
23 November 1795
Substitutes for Bread or Right Honourable, Saving the Loaves, & Dividing the Fishes, 24 December 1795
Item — Box: LF104/3 Box 1
Reference code: LF104/3/66
Scope and Contents
Artist: James Gillray. Published: Hannah Humphrey. Ministers sit at a round dinner-table guzzling guineas, while through the window is seen a hungry mob. Pitt, in profile to the left, sits on the right, a large fish made of guineas on a dish before him, of which he shovels huge lumps into his gaping mouth; he sits on a 'Treasury' chest which is closed by a padlock inscribed 'WP'. Opposite him on the extreme left, seated on the woolsack, is Loughborough, indicated by an elongated Chancellor's...
24 December 1795
A General Fast in Consequence of the War!!, 14 February 1794
Item — Box: LF104/3 Box 1
Reference code: LF104/3/67
Scope and Contents
Artist: Isaac Cruikshank. Published: S. W. Fores. A design in two compartments:
LAMBETH. A fat parson and two ladies are seated at a dinner-table, guzzling. On the table-cloth is a small mitre with crossed croziers. A gothic window indicates Lambeth Palace. The parson, evidently the Archbishop, Moore (right), his mouth crammed, and plying his knife and fork, says to a young woman sitting opposite him: "do you chuse any More"; she answers, "No More I thank ye". Between them, full-face, sits a...
14 February 1794
Venus Surrounded By Cupids!, 12 January 1795
Item — Box: LF104/3 Box 1
Reference code: LF104/3/68
Scope and Contents
Artist: Richard Newton. Published: William Holland.
12 January 1795
John Bull Ground Down, 1 June 1795
Item — Box: LF104/3 Box 1
Reference code: LF104/3/69
Scope and Contents
Artist: James Gillray. Published: Hannah Humphrey. John Bull's head and shoulders emerge from a gigantic coffee-mill. He is being ground by Pitt into guineas which pour from the spout of the machine into the inverted coronet of the Prince of Wales, held out by the Prince (left). John Bull, his hands clasped, shrieks "Murder! Murder!" Pitt (right), both hands on the handle, is working hard, stripped to his shirt. His coat lies across an enormous heap of guineas on which he rests his left...
1 June 1795
The British Butcher, [1794 - 1796]
Item — Box: LF104/3 Box 1
Reference code: LF104/3/70
Scope and Contents
Artist: James Gillray. Published: Hannah Humphrey. Pitt (right), as a butcher, stands arrogantly behind his block, holding up a leg of mutton to a hungry, lean, and dismayed John Bull, who stands with bent knees (left), his right hand groping in his breeches pocket. Pitt says: "A Crown, - take it, or leave't". His cleaver lies on his blood-stained block, on the front of which are two placards side by side:'Prices of Provision. 1795 Journeymans Wages - 1795
Mutton 10 1/2d £b....
[1794 - 1796]