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Subject Source: Library of Congress Subject Headings

Found in 270 Collections and/or Records:

A Garden Party Programme, 5 July c1981 - 1998

 Item — Box Hamilton Kaye Box 1: Series 178R29; Series 178T9; Series 178K28; Series 178I14; Series 178Z30
Reference code: 178K28.9
Scope and Contents

To be opened by Tony Capstick. Features Wizard Kaye, 4pp.

Dates: 5 July c1981 - 1998

Advertising Card for The Amazing Bamforth, c1900 - 1999

Reference code: 178I12.9
Scope and Contents

Illustrated business card for The Amazing Baumforth, magic and illusionist act.

Dates: c1900 - 1999

Advertisment for J. Theobald and Company, c1900 - 1999

Reference code: 178I12.21
Scope and Contents

Illustrated page from a book featuring advert for J. Theobald & Company, manufacturers and exporters of conjuring apparatus.

Dates: c1900 - 1999

African Exploits and Magicians of India Film, c1930 - 1999

Reference code: 178D9.3
Scope and Contents

Black and white film on magic, silent. 8mm D-BETA.

Dates: c1930 - 1999

African Exploits and Magicians of India Film, 1951 - 1952

Reference code: 178D9.4
Scope and Contents

Black and white film on magic, silent. Reel reads: Bournemouth 1951 and Hastings 1952. 8mm D-BETA.

Dates: 1951 - 1952

Argyle Theatre Collection

Reference code: NFA0117
Scope and Contents

This collection contains a large number of posters as well as business records including records of artist bookings, accounts, scrapbooks, contracts and correspondence.

Dates: 1865 - 1941

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 2 November 1891

Reference code: 178R12.19
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Sam Jesson Comedian, Miss Maud Hilton The Tyrolean Queen, Miss Edith Clare Burlesque, Mr Harry Shaw Musical Comedian, Miss Amy Russell Soprano Vocalist, Tony Griffin Feeney Redivivus, Irish Comedian, Miss Georgina Boyack Female Jester, Sandro Vio Famous Wizard King and Comic Conjuror, Miss Eva Merrywood Singer and Dancer, Robinsons Scotch, Irish and American Artistes, Mr W. Randall Robsonian Comic and Actor, Mr J.C. Heffron Character Comedian,...
Dates: 2 November 1891

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 15 January 1940

Reference code: 178R12.87
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Jack 'rumps'Doyle and his Aces of Rhythm with Joe Ferrie and Nino Monti in Hot Music, Hatton and Manners Comedians, Two Rascals Entertainers and a Piano, Jack Henry Whistling Comedian, Michael Moore Impressionist, Marie and Jose Anderson Dancers, Buddy Clarke with Mum and Dad Novelty, Fred Culpitt Conjuror, Gulliver and his 7 dwarfs Burlesque Comedians. Printed by A. Sam Griffith Poster Printed McC. H. Ltd., Liverpool. Red type

Dates: 15 January 1940

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 10 February 1896

Reference code: 178R12.103
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. The Mannons Pantomimists, Fillis’ South African Dogs, Miss Lizzie Valrose Serio Comic Vocalist, Miss Ailsa Cairns Comedienne and Burlesque Actress, Mr Alec Burnard Comedian and Vocalist, Adolph Faue Wire Equilibrist and Expert Tumbler, Mr Harry Zetter Eccentric Comedian and Dancer, Mr Walter Purssord Necromancer and Patterer Assisted by Mr Sydney Lee. Monday next, Tennyson and O’Gorman. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, typeers, Liverpool. Green, red and...
Dates: 10 February 1896

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 14 June 1897

Reference code: 178R12.111
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Miss Jenny Valmore Comedienne and Burlesque Actress, Little Tim Quaint Comedian, Sisters Wright Characteristic Duettists and Expert Dancers, De Cone The World’s Wizard, Sandy and Carl Knockabout Comedians and Dancers, George Willrod Comic and Descriptive Vocalist, Eva Maynard Serio Comedienne and Dancer, Lieut. Walter Cole Ventriloquist. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, typeers, Liverpool. Red and blue type.

Dates: 14 June 1897

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 30 April 1900

Reference code: 178R12.124
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. The Marvellous Elliotts Cyclists, The Seven Savonas Gigantic Fairyland of Electric Lights, Musical Act, Peggy Pryde Serio Comic Vocalist and Dancer, Frank Seeley Comedian, Professor Hulbert Ventriloquist, Mad’lle De Lil Illusionist, Marguerite and May Duettists and Dancers, Senorita Eloina Gymnast, Royal Bioscope with the Latest Animated Pictures Of the War In South Africa. Monday next, Nellie Christie, Marie French, Chas Pastor etc. Printed by S....
Dates: 30 April 1900

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 20 January 1902

Reference code: 178R12.130
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. The Mysterious Lilith introduced by Professor Fred Harcourt, the Marvellous Magician, Rawson and June Australian Boomerang Throwers, The Saxon Trio Strong Men, Mike Whallen Raconteur and Extempore Vocalist, Lillian Warren In Her Novel Vocal Pictures, Martin Conway Quaint Comedian, Violet Wilton Comedienne and Dancer, Frank Coyle Character Comedian, Carl Nobel Danish Ventriloquist. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, typeers, Liverpool. Blue, red and yellow...
Dates: 20 January 1902

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 17 February 1902

Reference code: 178R12.131
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Miss Carrie Laurie’s Juveniles in Their Amusing and Laughter Provoking Kindergarten, The Bohemians Musical Comedy, Cora Casselli Italian Dancer, The Jetneys the Apollos of Darktown Aristocracy, Sisters Russell Duettists and Dancers, Professor Hulbert Ventriloquist, Rose Conroy Serio Comedienne, M. Dell Conjuror and Illusionist, Lachie Thompson’s Top weights Musical Acts, Frantz Family-Lady and Gentlemen Acrobats. Printed by S. Griffith and Co,...
Dates: 17 February 1902

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 15 December 1902

Reference code: 178R12.137
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Apollo Strong Man, Miss Kahn, the Queen of Slight of Hand and Kahn, the Master of Mystery, Harry Wenburn Comedian, Fred Bush and Sadie Bushell Vocalists, R.K. Dunning Ventriloquist, Sybil St. Elmo Ballad Vocalist, Billy Renton Character Comedian, Amy Anderson Comedienne, The Brothers Horne. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue, red, green and yellow type.

Dates: 15 December 1902

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 23 February 1903

Reference code: 178R12.141
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Morritt Magician, Farrell and Willmot Comedians and Dancers, Barton and Ashley American Comedy Duo, Will Hebden Character Comedian, Gwennie Hasto Dancer, Chas. Austin Comedian and Mimic, Liet. Travis Ventriloquist, Dick Geldard Comedian, The Mozondos Comedy Acrobats and Barrel Jumpers. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue and red type.

Dates: 23 February 1903

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 11 May 1903

Reference code: 178R12.143
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. The White Mahatmas, The Violas Mental Telegraphy, Sam Kelly Character Comedian and Dancer, Boston Twins Speciality Comedians, Comic Conjurors, Pantomimists, Double Voiced Vocalists and Mimics, Lancashire Quartette! Vocalists and Expert Dancers, Bennett and Martell Knockabout Comedians and Dancers, Fred Sandy Baritone and Descriptive Vocalist, Lillian Sivado Gymnast, The Dunlops Trick Cycle Act, Lily Turner Burlesque Actress, Preston and Balmaine Song...
Dates: 11 May 1903

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 25 May 1903

Reference code: 178R12.144
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Professor James Finney Champion Swimmer and Miss Marie Finney, The Heroine of London Bridge and an Aquatic Display, The Haytors Comedy, Verno and Voyce Singing Comedienne, The Jalvans Oriental Equilibrists and Jugglers, Lillie Rhodes Comedienne and Dancer, Sydney Lee Magician, Harry Conlin Comedian. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue and red type.

Dates: 25 May 1903

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 4 July 1904

Reference code: 178R12.151
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Lind? From The Tivoli, London, Harry Grey The Australian Nugget, Haig and Novel Clever Acrobatic Comedy Act, Professor Hulbert Ventriloquist, Billy Richardson The Black Orator, Mons. Delil Conjuror and Card Expert, Carlotta Mayson Characteristic Vocalist, Cora Gray Comedienne, The Bioscope, Brothers Lloddge Athletics and Silver Chain Acrobats. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue and red type.

Dates: 4 July 1904

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 19 September 1904

Reference code: 178R12.155
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Valazzi Juggler and Equilibrist, Lily Marney The Spanish-Irish Girl, The Four Ramlos Acrobatic and Comedy Bar Performers, Minnie Cunningham Singer, Professor Bernar King of Marionettes, Barney Vox Ventriloquist, Lily Lonsdale Soprano Vocalist, Ernie Myers Dialect Comedian and Dancer, Sydney Lee Prince of Magic, Jimson’s Comedy Animal Act introducing his Latest Novelty, The Talking Pig. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue and red...
Dates: 19 September 1904

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 31 July 1905

Reference code: 178R12.162
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Osborn and Brookes in 'Partners: or, the Tragedian Turned Topsy Turvey', The Three Sisters Hayden Character Comediennes, The Ettenas Globe Artistes, Prof. Hulbert Ventriloquist, Vasey and Ramsey Grotesque Dance Act, Bros. Adderley, Mons. De Lil Illusionist, Austin Rudd Vocalist. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue and red type.

Dates: 31 July 1905