Box Cooper Box 2
Contains 52 Results:
Letter addressed to Sir Oswald Mosley [from A.K. Chesterton], 17 July 1953
Typescript unsigned letter to Mosley. Refers to the letter to Macnab (181/3/35) and suggests it is libellous in regard to the unsigned sender [A.K. Chesterton].
Notes entitled 'Deschamps, p. 24, 1889', [c1910 - 1959]
Handwritten, in pencil. On the subject of Judaism. Appears to be a translation.
Notes entitled 'Piccolo Tigre (Jew) – circular letter of January 18th 1822', 18 January 1822
Handwritten, in pencil. Appears to be a translation.
Notes on Napoleon and Palmerston, [c1910 - 1959]
Handwritten, in pencil.
Notes entitled 'Cicero. Jews in Rome, BC 75', [c1910 - 1959]
Handwritten, in ink. Glued to 181/3/46
Notes entitled 'Mahomet, AD 600', [c1910 - 1959]
Handwritten, in pencil. Quotation from the Koran on Jews. Glued to 181/3/45
Notes on the National Secular Society and secularism, [c1910 - 1959]
Handwritten in ink. Notes on secularism.
Notes entitled 'Contre Eglise', [c1910 - 1959]
Handwritten in ink. Notes of speeches against Christianity.
Untitled notes on Jewish attitudes to Christians, [c1910 - 1959]
Handwritten in pencil. Notes on the Jewish attitude to Christians. Appears to have originally been three pages but the second page is missing.
Notes/extracts on book by Wilhelm Marr, [c1910 - 1959]
Handwritten notes/extracts in pencil. from 1879 publication by Marr.
Notes/extracts on book by Wilhelm Marr, [c1910 - 1959]
Handwritten in ink.
Notes entitled 'The Church', October 1927
Handwritten in pencil. Brief notes from ‘The Jewish Chronicle’, October 14 1927 and ‘Jewish World’, October 1927.