Box Cooper Box 2
Contains 52 Results:
Article entitled 'The Real Cause of Wars', [c1930 - 1939]
Carbon copy of typescript - draft of an article? Signed 'XX' at the end.
Untitled typescript attacking the British government's policy in Palestine., [c1930 - 1959]
Typescript regarding 'the Jewish Problem' attacking the British Government's policy in Palestine and urging that it should not be allowed as a national home for the Jews.
Draft letter from the 'National and Empire Council for the Investigation of the Jewish Problem', [c1939 - 1959]
A draft circular letter, with space for the insertion of addressee and signatory at end. Appeal for anti-semitic council disguised as scientific investigation of the problem.
Notes enttield 'Who is Victor Gollancz?', [c1918 - 1950]
Single sheet carbon copy typescript, undated, by E. Bloomfield, commencing 'Hermann Gollancz of "No Foreign State" was naturalised in 17 November 1914'.
A brief report of the libel action at Berne, May 1935
Ink-duplicated typescript. Published by the IFL (Imperial Fascist League). "These notes will probably be useful to Aryans in different countries and enable them to propagate the Truth".
Translation of article entitled 'The triumph of the Rothschilds and Zionism', 1930
Ink-duplicated typescript. A translation of an article in "Revue Internationale des Societes Secretes, November 16th 1930. Signed "XX"
Article entitled 'Naturalization of the Jews 1753', [c1911 - 1959]
Typescript. Details of the naturalisation of Jews in England and the Jewish Naturalisation Act 1753. Quotes from Smollett's 'History of England'.
Typescript entitled 'Some plain facts relative to the Jewish question in Germany' by H.R Hoffman, 1933
Ink-duplicated typescript, dated Munich 25 September 1933. "This pamphlet is published for the information of genuine British and American inquirers who desire to form an unprejudiced and objective opinion with regard to certain measures which the German Government has found necessary to put into operation." By H.R Hoffman.
Typescript entitled 'The Jews in Germany' by H.R. Hoffman, 1933
Typescript summary of 'Some plain facts relative to the Jewish question in Germany' by H.R. Hoffmann.
Review of 'An agent of the hidden hand' by J.T. Trebitsch-Lincoln, 1931
Typescript review of J.T. Trebitsch-Lincoln by 'Malutz'. "From the Bulletin 'Veritas', Romo, Italy, May 23-30, 1931. An. VIII".
List of Jews in government bureaucracy of the USSR, 1936
Notes written in green ink - on the reverse of a flyer for the “Militant Christian Patriots. A Grand Coronation Dance…Saturday, May 22nd, 1937”. Listing of Jews in the Government bureaucracy of the USSR.
Letter to F.T Cooper, 2 February 1923
Handwritten letter in French to Cooper from a Lucien [Tawxy]. Single sheet. On notepaper headed ‘Societe des Etudes Napoleoniennes…Vieux-Genappe par Genappe’.
Typescript entitled 'Lancier de Nemours', [c1910 - 1959]
Description, in French, of the dress helmet.
Notes or article entitled 'The renunciation of war' by Gilbert Murray, 5 June 1928
Typescript by Gilbert Murray, professor of Greek at the University of Oxford. Attached are two newspaper cuttings about the author, and a portrait of the author on a card. Comments on proposals of the US Government to safeguard peace.
Letter to Angus MacNab, British fascist politician, 12 July 1953
Letter, addressed to Angus MacNab, Esq., signed by L.A. Flockhart, dated 12th July 1953. Typescript, on paper headed ‘Sanctuary Press Ltd.’ On the subject of a report in the Sunday Express regarding Chesterton.
Notes entitled 'Universal masonry', [c1910 - 1959]
Handwritten notes in pencil relating to freemasonry. Undated.
Life of Lord George Bentinck, p. 496, by Disraeli. 1852, [c1910 - 1959]
Handwritten, in pencil. On the influence of Jews in Europe.
Notes entiteld 'Bakhounin – Socialist Revolutionary. 1869', [c1910 - 1959]
Handwritten, in pencil. Includes a passage on Jews as exploiters of others’ works.
Letter to L.A. Flockhart of Sanctuary Press from John A. Macnab, 14 July 1953
Duplicated typescript. Reply to letter 181/3/35, on the subject of William Joyce, and with reference to Mrs Joyce.
Translation of 'Letter of the Italian Captain Simonini 20 August 1806', [c1910 - 1959]
Handwritten, in pencil. On the subject of Jews in Europe. Appears to be a translation.