Box Cooper Box 1
Contains 88 Results:
The Jew in the world today. An address by Neville Laski, KC, President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews at a luncheon given by the Industrial Christian Fellowship to members of the Church Assembly, on November 16, 1937, [1937/1938]
Pamphlet by Neville Laski. London: Industrial Christian Fellowship. Undated but probably 1937 or 1938.
Le Ministère Blumet la Judéo-Maçonnerie. Liste des Juifs et des Maçons. La question juive a la Chambre et le Conseil municipal de Paris. Texte des discours de MM. Xavier Vallat et Darquier de Pellepoix, 1936
La Libre parole et le Porc-épic' magazine issue, vol. 7, numbers 12 and 13. Text of speeches by MM. Xavier Vallat and Darquier de Pellepoix. Paris: La Libre parole et le Porc-épic, 1936. Sustained attack on usual anti-Semitic lines at the time of the Popular Front and the strikes.
The “United Front” exposed, 1938
Pamphlet of a prepared statement by J.B. Matthews. American anti-communist, attacking the American League. Matthews was a convert from the Left. New York: League for Consitutional Government, 1938.
My irrelevant defence being meditations inside gaol and out on Jewish ritual murder, 1938
Pamphlet by Arnold S. Leese. London: The I.F.L. Printing and Publishing Company, 1938.
The unseen net. An outline of a plan to destroy British liberties and to enthrone political and economic plutocracy, 1936
Pamphlet by the Liberty Restoration League. Southend: printed by H.S. Lucas & Company, 1936. An attack on the Political and Economic Planning (PEP) Group.
An analysis of Zionism, [1930s]
Pamphlet by L. Fry, Militant Christian Patriots. Nuneaton: printed by Nuneaton Newspapers Ltd. for M.C.P. Publications. Undated but probably 1930s.
The wars that need not have been fought. The millions who need not have died. The invisible war-maker, [1930s]
Pamphlet by 'Vergil', Militant Christian Patriots, arguing international Jewish business breeds war. Southend: printed by H.F. Lucas and Co. for M.C.P. Publications. Undated but probably 1930s.
Zionism, [1930s]
Pamphlet by L. Fry, Militant Christian Patriots, attacking the Jews for financial conspiracy and also attacks the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Southend: printed by H.F. Lucas and Co. for the Militant Christian Patriots. Undated but probably 1936.
The Jews and the British Empire, [1930s]
Pamphlet by L. Fry, Militant Christian Patriots. Anti-Semitic, on Jewish conspiracy to destroy the Empire. London: printed by W. Whitehead for the Militant Christian Patriots. Undated, possibly 1936.
Jews in Russia with Half Jews and "Damped Jews". With a list of the names of the 447 Jews in the Government of Russia on the Establishment of the Soviets, [1930s]
Pamphlet by Victor E. Marsden. Southend: printed by H.F. Lucas and Co. for the National Workers' Party of Great Britain. Undated but probably 1937 or 1938.
D'où viennent les guerres et les révolutions?, [1930s]
Pamphlet by Nouvelle Voix d'Alsace et de Lorraine. Strasbourg: Action sociale et politique des militants chrétiens de la Nouvelle Voix d'Alsace et de Lorraine. Undated, but probably 1930s.
The Arab case. Statement by the Palestine Arab Delegation, [1930s]
Pamphlet by Palestine Arab Delegation, stating that in the aftermath of the Arab Revolt, they are anti-Zionist, not anti-Jewish or anti-British. London: Printed by St. Clements Press for the Militant Christian Patriots. Undated but possibly 1936.
Dupes of Judah. The inside story of why the World War was fought, [1930s]
Small book by Pelley of the SIlvershirts. Asheville, North Carolina: The Pelley Publishers. Undated, probably 1938-1939. American anti-Semitism.
What every congressman should know, [1930s]
Pamphlet. Asheville, North Carolina: Pelley Publishers. Undated, probably c.1936. A strong precursor of McCarthyism, listing Jews in various US government agencies.
Jewry in the light of scripture, [1930s - 1950s]
Pamphlet by Rev. E.G. Roberts. London. Undated but possibly 1930s. Quotes the Bible; anti-Semitic.
Visit the USSR this year and see..., [1930s]
Handbill by the Russian National Union. Undated but probably late 1930s. Anti-Soviet, propaganda pictures of labour camps, etc.
Some strange cults, [1930s]
Pamphlet by Beacon, The Unity Band. Southend on Sea: printed by H.F. Lucas and Co. for The Unity Band. Undated but probably around 1935.
Bombshell against Christianity! Articles by Marcus Eli Ravage, a Hebrew, [1930s]
Pamphlet by Marcus Eli Ravage (pseudonym), World Service. Erfurt, Germany: reprinted by World Service. Undated but probably mid-1930s.
The hidden hand of Judah. Key to present day's muddle, 1936
Pamphlet by Orville Brisbane Good, M.A. (pseudonym), World Service. Erfurt: 1936.
The Jewish State in Palestine. The opinion of a native born citizen, [c1918 - 1920]
Pamphlet by Youssef El-Khazen. Paris: Editions des Amis de la Terre Sainye. Undated but probably c1918-1920.