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Box Cooper Box 1


Contains 88 Results:

Who is it?, [1930s]

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/1
Scope and Contents

Anonymous. Undated American pamphlet. Contains an anti-Semitic attack on the American investment bank of Kuhn, Loeb & Co and includes accusations that the Soviets are Jewish controlled.

Dates: [1930s]

For thinking men. What’s the matter?, 1930s

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/2
Scope and Contents

Untitled American pamphlet with drop-head title 'For Thinking Men. What’s the Matter. (A Tentative Study of the Book which calls itself The Protocols of the Wise men of Zion. By a Coterie of Students)'. No date or place of publication, but thought to be dated 1931 or 1932. Contains right–wing Christian and anti-Semitic text including view that prayer is the answer to the Jewish conspiracy and the financial crisis.

Dates: 1930s

The status of the Jew, c1925

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/3
Scope and Contents

Pamphlet printed by the Edinburgh Press, Calcutta, on the subject of Jews in India. Written by an anonymous reader of the fabricated anti-Semitic text, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Undated but thought to be mid 1920s.

Dates: c1925

Excerpts from the note-worthy series of articles, entitled “Financiers who Sport with the Worlds", 1932

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/5
Scope and Contents

Untitled pamphlet, with drop-head title commencing “Excerpts from the note-worthy series of articles, entitled “Financiers who Sport with the Worlds” written by Francois Coty. No place or date of publication, but would appear to be French (Paris?) printed and dated to 1932. Anti-Semitic.

Dates: 1932

The story of a great crime : the bankers’ conspiracy which started the world crisis, [1930s]

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/6
Scope and Contents

Pamphlet printed by The Alden Press about the crisis caused by a conspiracy of unscrupulous American bankers - Montague Norman and the Bank of England not to be trusted. Undated but thought to be 1930s.

Dates: [1930s]

Punitive measures in Palestine, 1938

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/7
Scope and Contents

Pamphlet printed Southend-on-Sea: H.F. Lucas and Co., and published by The Arab Centre, London. Undated, probably 1938. Seems to be an IFL (Imperial Fascist League) front.

Dates: 1938

The Jewish world conspiracy. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion before the court in Berne, 1938

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/8
Scope and Contents

Pamphlet by Dr Karl Bergmeister. Erfurt: U. Bodung-Verlag, 1938. Almost certainly a World Service publication.

Dates: 1938

A plot for the world’s conquest, 1936

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/9
Scope and Contents

Pamphlet. Oxford: Printed at the Alden Press for the Britons Publishing Society, 1936. Annotated in ink with label on front cover “For use with indexed copy of The Protocols”.

Dates: 1936

A plot for the world’s conquest, 1936

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/10
Scope and Contents

Pamphlet. Oxford: Printed at the Alden Press for the Britons Publishing Society, 1936.

Dates: 1936

The world crash. A summary of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion in which the scheme for bringing the gentile world down with a crash is set forth in convincing detail, [1930s]

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/11
Scope and Contents

Pamphlet. London: Printed by Brown and Burrows for the Britons Publishing Society. Undated, but probably early 1930s.

Dates: [1930s]

Secret societies unveiled. The evil purpose behind them exposed, [1935/1936]

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/12
Scope and Contents

Pamphlet. London: Printed by Brown and Burrows for the Britons Publishing Society. Undated but probably mid-1930s. Anti-Semitic, “world conspiracy” of the Jews through secret societies.

Dates: [1935/1936]

Britain’s alternative, [1946]

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/14
Scope and Contents

Pamphlet written by A.K Chesterton. Taunton: Printed by the Yeoman Press. Undated but probably 1946.

Dates: [1946]

The Shrine of the Prophet’s companion Sayyedna “Ukasheh”. The aggression of Jews on that shrine and on the tombs of the great Martyrs of Islam, 1929

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/15
Scope and Contents

Pamphlet on Jewish destruction of Muslim holy places by The Committee of the Guardians of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Moslem Holy Places. Includes 6 full-page photo plates. Jerusalem, 1929.

Dates: 1929

Les Juifs en U.R.S.S., 1935

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/16
Scope and Contents

Pamphlet by Matthieu Degeilh. Includes photo plates. Paris: Les Nouvelles Edition Nationales, 1935.

Dates: 1935

L’URSS et le Komintern. Agents de la Crise Internationale, 1939

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/17
Scope and Contents

Pamphlet by Théodore Aubert - Entente Internationale Anticommuniste. Geneva, 1939. Issue No. 4 of 1939.

Dates: 1939

In the beginning, God, [1930s]

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/18
Scope and Contents

Untitled pamphlet, commencing with drop-head quotation “In the beginning, God” with picture of an ape and shredded Bible. Rochester, Kent: Printed for the Evolution Protest Movement. Undated but probably 1930s. Attacks evolution theory with quotes - language shows that it is aimed at the working man.

Dates: [1930s]

Judaism and Bolshevism : a challenge and a reply. Some facts concerning Bolshevism, Judaism, Christianity and international (Jew-controlled) finance, Bolshevism and Zionism, [1934]

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/19
Scope and Contents

Pamphlet by A. Homer. Southend: printed by H.F. Lucas and Co. for A. Homer. Undated but probably 1934. Reprinted from the Catholic Herald. Strongly anti-Semitic.

Dates: [1934]

The growing menace of Freemasonry in Britain, 1936

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/20
Scope and Contents

Pamphlet by the Imperial Fascist League. Sixth revised edition. Printed by W. Whitehead for the Imperial Fascist League, 1936.

Dates: 1936

The Jew: past and present. Verdict of great men, [1930s]

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/21
Scope and Contents

Pamphlet by the Imperial Fascist League. Printed by W. Whitehead for the Imperial Fascist League. Undated but probably 1930s.

Dates: [1930s]

Our Jewish aristocracy. A tale of contamination, 1937

 Item — Box: Cooper Box 1
Reference code: 181/1/22
Scope and Contents

Pamphlet by the Imperial Fascist League. Third revised edition. London: I.F.L. Printing and Publishing Company, 1937.

Dates: 1937