Box Action Space Box 69
Contains 16 Results:
Impart Manual, 2000
Impart Manual - A guide in music, art, movement and play for children and adults with special needs, in partnership with Fundatia de Sprijin Comunitar.
Materials and suppliers for making inflatables, 1972
Books and booklets produced by Action Space, Action Space Mobile, and in collaboration with other organisations.
The Eckington file, 1987
Books and booklets produced by Action Space, Action Space Mobile, and in collaboration with other organisations.
Theria to Theory, A discussion with Action Space, 1969
Books and booklets produced by Action Space, Action Space Mobile, and in collaboration with other organisations.
Play education and the arts - A Play Times special, 1983
Books and booklets produced by Action Space, Action Space Mobile, and in collaboration with other organisations.
Art Based Games, 1979
Books and booklets produced by Action Space, Action Space Mobile, and in collaboration with other organisations.
Waterworks, by In the Boat Theatre Company, 1996
Books and booklets produced by Action Space, Action Space Mobile, and in collaboration with other organisations.
Women talking, 1990
Books and booklets produced by Action Space, Action Space Mobile, and in collaboration with other organisations.
Fundamental activities, with Muzika Charitable Trust, 1994
Books and booklets produced by Action Space, Action Space Mobile, and in collaboration with other organisations.
Guide to Summervale House, Oldham, 1996
Books and booklets produced by Action Space, Action Space Mobile, and in collaboration with other organisations.
The Nonsense Storybook, 1987
The Nonsense Storybook, by the School of Nonsense at Park Library, Sheffield.
This is how we do it: The arts with adults with disabilities, 1969
Published in Romanian, German and English
Conversations at the Spinney in Derbyshire, 1996
Conversations at the Spinney in Derbyshire, with photographs of the residents and the care home building.
Cross the Sky scrapbooks, c2002
Books and booklets produced by Action Space, Action Space Mobile, and in collaboration with other organisations.
Groundwell Farm memories, by Robert Stredder, 1975 - 1996
Books and booklets produced by Action Space, Action Space Mobile, and in collaboration with other organisations.
Interdrama write-up, 1974
Books and booklets produced by Action Space, Action Space Mobile, and in collaboration with other organisations.