John Bull Humbugg'd alias Both Ear'd, 12 May 1794
Scope and Contents
Artist: Isaac Cruikshank. Published: S. W. Fores. Three half length figures: George III (John Bull) between Fox. (left) and Pitt (right), both addressing him through the horns used by news-boys for crying their wares. The King, goggling with dismay, stands in profile to the right, facing Pitt, who grasps in his right hand a paper inscribed 'True Britton', saying, "Great News arriv d from France, Paris taken and more Cannon, Cartridge, Balls, Bombs & Assignats, than they can find room for, also 100,000 Skelletons of Sans Culotts, Carmignoles &c &c ready Dried for the Surgeons!! - NB will prevent the Robbing of Church Yards, & to be Sold remarkably cheap - too - too - too - Rare News for Old England!!!" Fox, in ragged coat and bonnet-rouge, holds under his arm a sheaf of the 'Chronicle'. He tootles into the King's ear the words: "Horrid Bloody News just arrived from France the Combin'd Armies after a Severe Engagement were all Cut into Cabbage for the National Convention!! ! too - too - too." The King, who wears the Windsor uniform with a broad-brimmed hat and holds a riding-whip, exclaims: "What - what - what Cabbage and Carmignoles Frederick killd he Frederick." Fox has the expression of a conspiratorial scaremonger, Pitt is blandly reassuring. Description from the British Museum.
- Creation: 12 May 1794
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