Box Noel Drewe Box 19
Contains 7 Results:
Circus Jamboree Film, c1932 - 1965
Circusama, Yesterdays Circus Today. 8mm. Black and white, silent.
Do Detectives Think (The Bodyguard) Film, c1932 - 1965
Circusama, Yesterdays Circus Today. 8mm, Paterson. Hal Roach Studios. Black and white, silent. Starring Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, James Finlayson and Noah Young.
Circus Jamboree Film, c1950 - 1959
Circusama, Yestedays Circus Today. 8mm, Cecolite. Movie Pak.
Monty Goes to Ningwood Film, c1932 - 1965
Circusama, Yesterdays Circus Today. 8mm. 300 feet. In colour, with sound. RSPCA promotion film about a horse going to an old horses home. Supplied by C.W. Cramp.
A Day with Paul Le Royer Film, c1945 - 1990
Circusama, Yesterdays Circus Today. 16mm, Cecol. Calami Productions. 256 feet. Black and white, silent.
Man and Beast Film, c1945 - 1990
16mm, Cecolite. 400 feet, 10 minutes long. In colour, with sound. Russian circus animal trainers.
Circus People Film, 1957
Circusama, Yesterdays Circus Today. 16mm, Cyldon. Academy Films. 400 feet. In colour, with sound. A behind the scenes look at Cole Brothers Circus, showing the workers who set up and take down the big top and all other manner of things to enable the touring circus to operate. Local, casual labour is engaged for free tickets. Includes the circus fire department cooking on a grand scale.