Box John Barmwell Taylor Box 1
Contains 199 Results:
Miller's Mechanical and Beautiful Picturesque Representations Handbill, 1865
Mechanical and Picturesque Representations at Saville House. "Forming elegant and wonderful pieces of mechanism consisting of views with animated objects!!!" including view of the rising sun, view of the city of Geneva etc. Printed by C. Handy, 23 Whitcomb Street, Liverpool.
Voice and Instrumental Concert Handbill, 1 - 28 February 1858
Concert at Café Chantant, Restaurant de l'Univers. French themed café and concert. Printed by Grant, 14 Orange Street, Bloomsbury Square.
Oxford Street and Holborn Handbills, 1830 - 1968
Handbills for travelling shows, exhibitions and performances at Oxford Street and Holborn.
The British Diorama Handbill, 1830
The Physiorama, Jolly Beggars and Large Black Walnut Tree at Queen's Bazaar. British Diorama. Four views of recent/historical events i.e. "Bristol on fire during the riots". Physiorama. Fourteen views of Britain including, "Nottingham Castle on fire during the riots". Jolly Beggars - "Illustrative of Burn's Celebrated Cantata" eight sculptures. Printed by Nichols and Sons, Earl’s Court, Cranbourn Street, 2pp.
The Royal Clarence Vase Handbill, c1831
Royal Clarence Vase at Queen's Bazaar. Exhibition in the Canopy room at the Queen's Bazaar. "Vase weighs 8 tons, height 14ft, diameter 12ft". Printed by Nichols and Sons, Earl’s Court, Cranbourn Street, Soho.
Norway Horse and Sultan Dog at Mr Pearse's Auction Rooms Handbill, c1850 - 1860
Norway Horse, 32 inches high, 6 yrs old. Largest Sultan Dog - just arrived from North Pole, "2ft high, 5ft long, colour like a tyger". Printed by Robarts, 16 Shoe Lane, Fleet Street.
The Euterpeon Handbill, c1833
Euterpeon at Queen's Bazaar. At the Concert Room, Queen's Bazaar. Euterpeon is a self-performing musical instrument. "Unites the full effect of a first rate Orchestre with the appropriate pauses modulations and cadences.
Splendid Exhibition Handbill, c1830
Mr Wilmhurst's Magnificent Painted Window at 15 Oxford Street. Large painting on glass of the "Tournament of the Field of the Cloth of Gold". Printed by Nichols and Sons, Earl’s Court, Cranbourn Street, 2p.p.
Extraordinary Peruvian Relic Handbill, c1832
Entire Body of a Peruvian Woman at 172 High Holborn. Body of a Peruvian woman "Buried alive over 500 years ago" and "The body being exhumed, it was found to be in a state of the most perfect preservation". Printed by Turner and Co., Wood Street, one door from Cheapside, London.
Apollo Presents John Lemm Handbill, 18 April 1910
John Lemm at The Oxford. John Lemm - Famous Wrestling Champion. "John Lemm will forfeit the sum of five pounds to any man whom he fails to defeat in ten minutes. (No challenges will be accepted from the front of the house)". Photograph. Printed by Oldfield and Co., Camberwell New Road, S.E.
Miss C. Heenan at The Universum Handbill, 1968
369 Oxford Street, London. "The Great American Prize Lady" " She is 26in around the muscle of the arm, 3ft 6 inches across the shoulders and 7 feet round the body" Illustrated. Printed by Corden, Machine Printer, 26 and 27 Gee Street, St. Luke’s, E.C.
Interesting Scientific and Rational Exhibition Handbill, c1831
The Mummy of an Egyptian King at 18 High Holborn. 4000 year old mummy divested of all its coverings, taken from Thebes by Captain Jefferson.
Baker Street, Portman Square and Egyptian Hall Piccadilly Handbills, 1837 - 1864
Handbills for travelling shows, exhibitions and performances at Baker Street, Portman Square and the Egyptian Hall Piccadilly.
New Addition! Handbill, 1864
Madame Tussaud's Exhibition at Bazaar. Listing new additions for the year.
Historical Gallery Handbill, 1861
Madame Tussaud's Exhibition at Bazaar. "Small specimen of Artificial Ice is removed from the COLOSSEUM and a surface of 3000 sq ft is now exhibiting and opened to the public for skating on". Illustrated.
The Glaciarium and Frozen Lake Handbill, 1841
Small Specimen of Artificial Ice at Bazaar, Portman Square. Printed by star Press, 20 Cross Street, Hatton Garden. Printed by S.G. Fairbrother, Garrick Printing office, 31 Bow Street, Covent Garden.
Christ Rejected Handbill, 1838
Christ Rejected at the Egyptian Hall Piccadilly. "A full length model of the fiend Greenacre representing him as he appeared at his trial". Printed by Star Press, 20 Cross Street, Hatton Garden.
The Diabolical Greenacre Handbill, 1837
The Diabolical Greenacre at Bazaar, Baker Street. Buffalo Bill's Wild West show. Seven other American themed attractions including a Diorama of New York Harbour and American Hunting Trophies. Printed by J. Phair, 67 Great Peter Street, Westminster.
West London and Earl’s Court Handbills, 1831 - 1889
Handbills for travelling shows, exhibitions and performances at West London and Earl’s Court.
American Exhibition and Buffalo Bill's Wild West Handbill, 1887
Buffalo Bill's Wild West at Earl's Court. Buffalo Bill's Wild West show. Seven other American themed attractions including a Diorama of New York Harbour and American Hunting Trophies. Printed by Perry, Printer, 138 Lillie Road, Fulham.